Hi, I'm Alex Cantrill, a 2L at Chase College of Law - Northern Kentucky University.  I started the blog because I wanted to provide a outlet for music-loving attorneys.  As a busy law student and part-time employee for a Cincinnati law firm, I've watched many of my former hobbies fall to the wayside.  One of those hobbies was playing music and attending concerts.  My hope for this blog is through the reviewing and sharing of music, as well as the spotlighting of attorneys across the state who actively play music in their communities, that a community of our can be created.  I can't remember a time where music has not played a important role in my life.   I have found that when the role of music in my life is lessened, the less happier I become.

I was born and raised in Georgetown, Kentucky and attended college at Birmingham-Southern College in Birmingham, Alabama before returning to Kentucky to attend law school.  In high school around the age of 16 (we were driving then) a great friend of mine and I began "busking" around the streets of Lexington.  We got good reviews from passerby's so we started a band.  And within a few months we had a weekly Monday night gig at a barbecue joint in Georgetown.  We went on to play festivals, bowling alleys, churches, and anywhere people would have us.  I eventually went on to college in Birmingham and started another band that played bars and frat parties.  I can't say we were ever really good.  The truth is, it really didn't matter how good we sounded.  The important takeaway is that we were doing something we loved and it made us feel better about ourselves and the world around us.  As attorneys, we need more of that in our lives.  Some of us need it a whole lot more than we think.

Thank you for visiting Banjo & Treatise.

Check out a few pictures from over the years. 

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